Wednesday 14 May 2008

i like the way that everything is opened to a new window.  all the different links are shown on there and their current work is shown with thumbnails.  to flick through their work, the bullet points are like sliders, so you know which ones you have previously looked at, which i think is a good feature
This is almost a second entry page, which gives different links to their various work.
This page loads slowly in the top left table, almost as if being typed on the computer.  This enables the viewer to appreciate the design in the image, which catches the viewers attention as it is the entry page.  i feel the problem with this is you have to wait for too long to open the next page, if i wanted to visit it again later on, or several times, i feel it would get frustrating to keep watching it load.
This has kept a theme with the flourecent bulb like type for Sam Gilhey and the blinding pink!  also the illustration with the bright orange and glow from the man and computer screen.  For this to help me on my web pages, i must theme them making sure the illustration, text and stlye fit together to give a finished polished page.
from the illustrations on  the page, you can almost feel what the designer is like.  His buttons down the side make it easy to access any part of the website very easily, as they don't move.  also a sub selection appears underneath them in yellow, so what you are looking for can be more refined.
i like this entry page with the big cheesy slogan of the beast is back.  Beside the cheese factor it has the crisp logo design and use of only two colours.  the arrow also gives clear direction on how to access the next page.  although i think on my entry page i would like to disguise it a little more.
This website holds a lot of information with text and is well decorated which brings just the dullness of text.  It is updated regularly which can be seen with the features of current news.  i think the illustration grabs attention, because it is so detailed and interesting.  i think this is very important to do and intend to make my web pages well decorated.